Wedding Shower Typos

My cousin is getting married in less than two months, and his fiancée is having her wedding shower this Sunday. Unfortunately for me, that means I need to find that one special card that expresses my happiness and wishes for their love and marriage. Since the only time I’m truly successful in finding a card is when I’m shopping for my brother (because it’s easy to pick out an obnoxious card), it’s a little more challenging when I need to be more serious in my sentiments.

But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? Have I just found a decent card?

Oh… wait…

Did they…? Is that…?


Front: Bridal Shower Wishes
Inside: May your hearts always be filled with love and your life together always be filled with happy! Congratulations”

The card reads:
Front: Bridal Shower Wishes
Inside: May your hearts always be filled with love and your life together always be filled with happy! Congratulations”

…and your life together always be filled with happy?

What does that even mean?!

This would have been a great card for a wedding shower, but too bad nobody proofread before sending it out to the printers. If you’re interested in finding this card for yourself, head over to Target. Unless they and the manufacturer have already been alerted.

Have you seen, or even received, a card that had a printed typo? Especially for a big occasion? If so, please share stories and pictures (if you have any)!

Patients vs. Patience

I need to get this off my chest so please patient with me.

In fact, let’s talk about patience.

A person can be patient or have patience, but they cannot have patients unless they are a doctor or any type of medical facility. A person also can be a patient patient, but from all the “Grey’s Anatomy” I’ve watched, that doesn’t seem likely.


The plural of patient (n. a person who receives medical care or treatment) is patients.

To have patience (n.) is the capacity of being patient (patient defined here as an adjective would be the ability to remain calm in difficult situations or doing things carefully and not hurriedly).

Therefore, when updating your Instagram profile descriptions, please use the correct noun. Patience is a virtue, but not when you use patients.